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 Puppy Buyer Comments 


Hello, Updating you on the puppy we got from you guys last year he’s such a good boy.  Here are some pictures we got from his birthday.



Hi Nicole want you to know that Ruby, born 11-10-15, now has her CGC and CGCA. We received these titles a month ago training with Legend Acres in Surprise. I just love her so much. She is so smart, I swear she is going to drive herself to the dog park one of these days!
Throughout the year we train at Encanto Park with the Phoenix Field Obedience Club. My plan is to show in obedience and rally.
Hope you and your family are well. I'm so thankful and grateful that Ruby is in my life.
Sincerely, Linda and Ruby


Hi Nicole, 

Gave boys a bath this morning and they grew up before my eyes !

So thankful everyday that we found you ♥️



Hi - thought I’d send you a couple of videos of what Piper is up to now.    He is the bravest, most athletic dog I’ve owned.  He loves to jump so my husband made some jumps for us in the backyard.   And since he loves to jump we have started agility classes.   I think it will be a great hobby for when I retire.  He will keep me going.  The video with him in the blue “chair” - I was trying to get him to walk around it on his back legs.   He thought it was faster just to get in and enjoy the ride.   So he just jumped in and sat down.  And the other video - We go to the dog park about once a week.  He is sooooo social.  Anyway, this morning there was a lake at the park.   He had a blast getting soaking wet.  He is so happy when he is running.  I even got him his own treadmill so that he can still get a little run in when it’s to hot.   

He’s amazing.  



Hi Nicole, just wanted to share a photo of Tate and Topher with you. Thank you for the beautiful pups. 



Hi Nicole.  Just wanted to give you an update on “Bruno.”  He’s doing really well and had his vet appointment on Thursday.  Everything checked out well and the vet said he looks great. He’s doing great with his house breaking and has only had a few accidents, which were more on me not taking him out soon enough.  He sleeps in a crate at night and is really good and goes right in with no issue.  We go back and forth between scottsdale and Prescott and I’ve attached a video and pictures.  He loves the snow. 



Hi Nicole.

I have been meaning to write to you regarding our puppy we got from you. 

We are so in love with him. He has the best temperament and is so loving and smart. To think his photo said “pending” and I almost didn’t write you. We are just so blessed to have him with us. 

He is doing well, certainly doing puppy things but such a good boy. He received his last shots yesterday so we are looking forward to taking him on walks and showing him off. We named him Cooper.

Thank you again for raising such sweet puppies.

Davie and Karen


Hi Nicole just wanted to give you a quick update that Kanga is thriving in this new home and he’s getting quite spoiled!  He’s only been here a week and I could see how much he’s grown in that time!  He had his first vet check and has another appointment to get his next set of shots.  Hope all is going well and thank you again!  We will send you more pictures as he grows!

Lynn & Mike


Hello Ms Nicole!!

This is Autumn! I’m just giving you an update on how much I’m growing. Here’s a picture of me being a big girl riding in the truck! I know Miss Macie picked me out for herself but I’m more of a mama’s puppy now. I hope my brothers and sisters are having a fun time like I am and tell mom and dad I said Hi!!!


We purchased a mini Australia shepherd puppy from you last June.  I just wanted to tell you how amazingly smart this dog is.  You just have to show her once and she remembers.  She loves watching TV, car rides, crushed ice from the drive thru at Starbucks, is super chill in the canoe.  She plays soccer and will actually throw her body in front of the ball to block it.  She should be sponsored by Jolly ball because she has stolen both of them from the horses.  This is her favorite spot in the house, besides in the bed to sleep at night.  She is truly an incredible dog, worth her weight in gold!  Thank you so much for the opportunity to adopt one of your pups. 

- Pamela



This is Ralph Davis we bought a male mini ausie from you back in late March. He is a great dog. Very friendly with people and other dogs. He loves to go for a ride in our boat,  RZR and motorhome. He is a very loving dog also. We couldn’t have asked for anything better. He is afraid of the dark, so he wakes me up in the middle of the night if he has to go potty even though he has a doggy door. I like it that he does this, do to the fact that we do have coyotes in our area.  I have attached a few photos of him. One is from when he was 6 months old and the other 2 are within the last couple days. I just wanted to say thanks again for such a fantastic puppy. He fits our family great!

Ralph Davis



Hi Nicole,
I thought I would give you an update on Gracie and send a few photos. We couldn't love our sweet Gracie more. She makes us laugh all the time. Clearly she loves us..always giving kisses, always wants to be close and loves sleeping with us at night.  As you can see, she loves to be up high and absolutely LOVES the snow! I can tell she is much happier living in Colorado than if we had stayed in Arizona. She wasn’t such a fan of the heat.

We moved into our house the end of November and now she has plenty of room to run around. We have a basement, completely finished so it’s a great playground for her as well as the main level. The yard won’t be compete with landscape and fence until spring so right now it’s plenty of walks.

How are you doing with all your pups? We just love the two most recent puppies. The tan and white little boy is adorable. Honestly if we still lived up the street from you (so to speak) I bet we would have a second mini Aussie. But we love Gracie more than anything and she is quite a spoiled little girl. So at this point we are happy with just our special little girl.

Take care and I will send some more photos another time.
All the best,
Cindy, Karl and Gracie🐾


Hi Nicole,

Just wanted to drop you an email and let you know Pearl is doing great! We love her. She will have her first show at the end of July. She is stacking well and loves to walk on the leash. She can often be found on the patio table. We are not sure why but it is so cute we try not to laugh as we shoo her away. 
I'll keep you posted on how she does in the ring. 
Hope you are well. I see you have a 9 puppy litter.  Wow! That's a lot of puppies.



I wanted to send you some photos of our little Oliver.  He has settled in nicely and is now 5 months old.  He is the biggest cuddle bug and thinks that everyone should love him ( even the cat).  He  is also my biggest mischief maker :) Oliver needs eyes on him at all times :) He’s much too dignified for a puppy playpen (he jumped/climbed out of every one we tried). He completed his AKC puppy star class and is now half way through his obedience training.  We love him to pieces.  Thank you for our special little guy. On a side note, I never asked how many puppies where in his litter.  My husband was asking me the other day.  Says he acts like an only child :) If you ever have a show quality female, I would love to show in both classes at conformation.  Keep me in mind :) Thank you again, Nicole for all your time and efforts.  Anne-Marie Johnson 


Thought I'd send you an update of Lily. It's been some time since I last sent you an update. She's doing really good. Very gentle and loving dog. She has only barked 4-5 times since I brought her home. And each time is because she wanted attention while we were playing games without her😂.
Here's puppy dreams😀

Showing my brother in law who's the boss

Kevin Martin


Hi Nicole:

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in touch with you. Xena recently turned two. I’m writing because I have very exciting news. Our other mini aussie, Jessie, who is now seven qualified for the Skyhoundz World Dog Disc Championships and although Xena was not ready for primetime (or so we thought) we entered her in the last chance qualifier in Chattanooga and she qualified for the Micro-Dog Division! That was surprise enough, but going into the last round of freestyle, Jessie was in 6th place and Xena was in 7th and Xena ended up coming in 5th!! She actually tied for 5th. But still, we were thrilled! It was raining during the last round and Jessie HATES the rain so she refused to do some of the routine and ended up coming in 10th. Still, not bad. We’re happy.

Xena is very consistent at catching and can run like the wind and she racked up a lot of points in what’s called “Distance and Accuracy” which is Daniel throwing the Frisbee on a marked field and Xena catching it and bringing it back. They do this as many times as they can in one minute and it’s about how far the throw (what zone it’s in) and whether the dog catches it with all feet on the ground or partially or completely in the air. Daniel didn’t even have a real freestyle routine for her – he just made it up on the fly! (They had been practicing). Here’s a link to the competition results

So Xena is the 5th best Micro-Dog (under 16” at the middle of the back) Skyhoundz World Dog Disc Champion. Yay, Xena! Daniel has until April to come up with a routine for next year – that’s when the qualifiers start!


Hi Nicole - 

I have been meaning to get in touch for some time.
Our little Jasper is doing great. We fall more and more in love with him everyday!
I will send some photos in my next email so you can see him. He is quite handsome! 
we think he is gorgeous too. 
He is truly a perfect dog!
Thank you very much for everything!
Robin & Mark
Hi Nicole- 
Hope you haven't been worried about your pup! .... He is doing great!! He is a 
delight and such a great little guy. By his second night he settled right down 
in his crate at night. Once a night he stirs and I take him right out and back 
again to sleep through the rest of the night. He is catching on to house 
training, but does have a little bladder, so we have to remember to get him out 
about every hour just in case. He loves to go outside and play early in the 
morning and after sundown. But he is no dummy and really would prefer not to go 
outside at all once its hot!

- Laurie

My daughter, Carolyn, is going to get one of your male red tri puppies from the last litter.  We are all sooooo excited.  Boomer will be delighted!  All the puppies make me smile and I look at them all the time.  The red tri with blues eyes is beautiful!  Boomer brings so much joy to us; I am excited that Carolyn will have a puppy that makes her happy too.  I'll attach me new favorite pictures of Boomer.  He grew into a big mini!  Thanks!

Thank you so much for allowing another puppy into the family. She is such a happy and playful puppy! She's also getting along great with Forrest (the black tri)! 

- Trevor

Hi Nicole,
I just wanted you to know I love my new puppy - I haven't named her yet as I will decide that as I know her better. She is adjusting well to her new home and is bonding very well with me. She doesn't love the crate and not being able to see me yet - have had some crying, howling and barking. Less today than yesterday. She is doing well with potty training so far also.
She is just the perfect girl for me - likes to play some but very laid back and loves to be held a lot. Went to Petsmart today and got her a playpen for the office and some new toys. She will be so spoiled but I should add - well behaved.
She is quiet in the car but drools a lot so it seems she gets car sick. Do you have any recommendations to help her. She will be going to work with me everyday. Fortunately it is a short ride.
Thanks for raising such a wonderful girl! Hope you got the pictures I emailed separately.
Hi Nicole,
We are just loving our little stella puppy more and more.  She is so smart and sweet and is developing very nice.  She is also growing like a little weed!
I will have to email a short video of her training.
You put a good start on her because she loves everyone and has a ton of self confidence.  This makes the agility training so much easier.
Thanks Nicole!
- Carol


Good Evening Nicole,

It was truly a pleasure meeting you and your family today! The pup is settling 
in very well :) Cooper won't stop licking him, and he seems to be particularly 
attracted to Mackenzie. I think he is going to love it here :)

It was truly difficult to leave the other pup behind! I'm sure he will be placed 
very soon, but if for some reason he doesn't- let me know. It couldn't hurt to 
ask my husband again!

Here are a few pics of "Brodie" very sweet!)-

Thanks again!

- Silvia

Hi there ! just need to tell you : I LOVE HIM !!! he is sooo sweet, so gorgeous, he follows me everywhere, come when I call him, loves everybody, and he is clean ! no accident inside !! I'm so happy with him   


- Cecile

Hi Nicole - 

I hope all is well with you guys!

We thought we'd send you a couple of photos of Jasper (Jr).

I can't begin to tell you how happy this little guy is making us.
He has really complete our family.  We just love him!

He has the sweetest personality mixed in with a lot of energy, and of course very sharp teeth (right now)!
He also seems to be quite smart. He is already catching on to basic commands.

 He's just the cutest little thing! He has the cutest bounce as he walks. He is super super fast when he runs.

Robin & Mark   Emoji

I just wanted to thank you for everything yesterday. I absolutely love my puppy he is wonderful!
Thank you again! 
- Jenna


hey ! have you seen Jack with the sheep ?! awsome !!! and he even doesnt bark at all !! so self confident

Today is Jack 1st birthday ! thank you for giving birth to a such handsome boy and double thank you to sent him to me

Hi there just to tell you, testing results back and... PERFECT !! CERF clear and OFA excellent .  thanks thank you sooo much for every thing

im the luckiest ! an other breeder saw him and was just sooo surprised because he really has a super great character !!! (and he is stunning of course lol)

- Cecile (from France)


I have my first championed girl...! brassy acres dreaming of diamonds. She championed on her first weekend out at 6 months old.So excited! So proud to have such a wonderful girl!! 


Ginger is 12 months and Pepper is 2 1/2 years and they love to work with the

They are in their element. Pepper is grasping the herding concept. Two weeks ago she took a calf off a ridge and drove it about an 1/8th of a mile back to the herd making one double back turn. She followed without pressuring the calf and only barked once at the turn to push it through a gate. I only watched from the ridge! Smart dogs. 

Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE this dog??? â€ª#‎otto‬ â€ª#‎miniausie‬‪#‎lovehim‬ â€ª#‎heiswonderful‬ â€ª#‎bestdogever‬

Today is a special day! Otto has turned 1! He has turned into a truly amazing dog and a great companion! I cannot thank Nicole Smith-Dalton for breeding such an amazing dog! I love everything about him, the way he jumps into my lap when I come home from vacation, when he wags his whole butt when he gets excited, and I even love his "I'm sorry" face when he eats my socks or steals my shoes. I love everything about this dog and I especially love the heart in the back of the roof of his mouth that you can only see when he yawns. He has been such a wonderful dog and I can't wait to be his forever owner. In his year of life, he has completed Puppy Obedience, Level 1 obedience, Level 2 obedience, AND level 3 obedience! This dog makes me smile every day. Last night was his first night sleeping outside of his crate all night long and he didn't wake me while sleeping in my bed with me. Love ya Otto!

— feeling blessed.


Just wanted to let you know my puppy is doing great, has to be the smartest puppy ever, very trainable.  Thanks again, he has fit in perfectly and we just love him.
- Debbie


Our little girl Mokey turns TWO today! Happy Birthday...Yay! Words can't describe our love for her! Forever grateful for this bundle of joy. Thank you! See attached pics! Hope you are well! 
                                                                                                              - Adam 
                                                                                                          Brooklyn, NY


I can't tell you how much joy he has brought us already!  He is delightful.  I'll attach a few pics.  He loves the snow up here in Flag.

- Kathleen


I purchased "Jax" from you (Blue Merle Female) in July -- she's on the right. 
Trevor Smith recommended you to me. Our dogs love one another. He's the Black 
Tri below. I want to thank you for bringing such a joy to my life. Jax while 
tiny packs a constant supply of happiness and energy. She's a very smart dog. 
She learned to sit within a week of bringing her home and had mastered 5 total 
commands. She has also mastered how to hop over a 5 foot fence :). She's the 
most intelligent animal I've ever had in my life! I will recommend you to 
family, friends, and co-workers. 

Thank you again for allowing me to bring such a joy into my life. 

Best, Dane 

Hi Nicole,
Here is a picture of Daisy with a few of our grandchildren. Look who's in 
charge. We are having so much fun with her!  Have a wonderful Christmas!

-Tom and Maureen 

  I purchased a black tri puppy (now named Forrest because of his love to run) 
from you just before Christmas time. Just wanted to let you know how great of a 
dog you bred. He has been the best. Very easy to train and already knows a 
number of tricks and is great around the horses at the barn I work at. I have 
included a few photos so you can see how he is growing. He loves to play in 
water and mud so he's a little dirty in a few of the photos! Thank you so much 
for the opportunity to make this pup part of my life!

- Trevor


Hello!!! Hes there!!!!!! Im so happy he is so nice and understood directly that 
I am his new mother!!!! Im so HAPPY thank you so much for everything <3 

- Cecile

Hi Nicole,

 Do you remember me? My name is now "Max". My new owners named me after "Maximus", a great Roman General.

I like my new home, and a think Fred and Anita like me too. Right now I sleep a lot, but while awake, I keep my owners very busy. They love to play with me, and Fred took me to Home Depot to buy some stuff. That was exiting.

 I'll keep sending you pictures of me, so you can see how I'm growing.





Hi Nicole:

I’m sorry I’ve been so remiss in updating you on Xena’s progress.  She is absolutely the most wonderful puppy!  Getting photos of her is extremely difficult because when she is awake, she is in constant motion! 

- Lee

Hi Nicole,
My daughter sent this picture to me this morning (I'm away at work this week) and I thought I would share it with you.
We are enjoying Digby very much. He's a love and a character.
The snow arrived here in Alaska a little later than usual this year.
So far, he's loving this colder weather and absolutely "digs" the snow.. he roots around and rolls all over in it! :P
I'll try to get some more pictures of him out in the snow when I'm home next and send them to you.
He starts "puppy school" next week at Alyeska Canine Trainers and we are really excited to see how we all do. :) 
I hope all is well with you and your family.
- Lori

Thanks Nicole,
Had another good night with our boy!
He's sure enjoying our time playing outdoors and loves to run and run!! We even walked through the trail at our house to meet grama and papa last night. (They live through the woods next door). :)
I'm relieved to hear you have his health records to scan for me and I'll be patient as we wait for registration papers. It's not like we need them any time soon, but I wanted to be sure we would have them.
We sent the $100 Paypal last night for the extra shipping cost. :)
Take care and we'll be in touch soon.
(I attached a few pics from his first day.)

10/13/14 can see the work you have put into your animals....they only give back what they have received and that is respect love and pride.  Your puppies are from great parents and Kaidee works hand signals and verbal commands...working now on off leash just need to find a good can only do so much! Your quarter horses you can tell love working with of luck and thank you we love her...
Tried to sign in and tell everyone how wonderful your puppies are...:)   Keeps knocking me error im sure


Good Evening Nicole-

I thought I would send over a few pics :)

Stella is doing really well, and loving life! She loves everyone, but she and 
Brodie have a special connection!

Hope you had a lovely Easter!

Take care and thanks again for two awesome dogs!



Hi Nicole- 

Just wanted to let you know Ringo (the blue Merle male from your May 5 litter) 
is doing great. Wow is he smart. Just finished 6 weeks of  puppy obedience, and 
the teachers already suggested he try agility when he is old enough. He is super 
attentive when we work on obedience. 

I need to take some updates pics to send you. Just wanted to know what a 
pleasure he is. My whole family adores him. Also, he is such a gorgeous pup we 
get comments on him wherever we go! 

                   - Laurie 

Hello Nicole! Just wanted to update you on precious Jasper. We absolutely love 
her and so does our 4 yr old Aussie, Slick. They are getting along great. The 
boys are having a ball with her! Thanks for giving us such a special one;)
                                 - Annalee 



I couldn’t be more thrilled with him.

Oh my gosh, this is a sweet, sweet boy and when he stands or moves he is awesome.  I can’t wait to see him grow! 

Watching this tiny boy is awesome!  He and Tilly along with Sassy are playing nicely and honestly acts like he was born here.

- Linda

Your welcome.  I know I will get a good quality and healthy pup from you.  Our tri girl is awesome and is always ready to herd something.  I just returned from CA and she is all about cattle.  We were relaxing outside one evening and noticed she had disappeared so I walked down the drive and saw that she had crawled under the fence and was trying to work about 10 head that were near the house.  She is still there with JoAnn and will return on Saturday.

- Tom


Hey there Nicole,
Here is a photo of Sapphire at 12 weeks. She is doing fantastic. 
Thank you for breeding a great puppy.
- Lonnie

Thank you so much for allowing another puppy into the family. She is such a happy and playful puppy! She's also getting along great with Forrest (the black tri)! Sorry the picture is blurry but they keep running and playing around!

- Trevor

I purchased a mini from you last year from a 12/09/11 litter.  JoAnn and I have enjoyed our little girl Pepper immensely along with our pet store owner and all of the ACE Hardware ladies plus all of our neighbors. We are considering a companion for her but aren't sure if a young puppy would fair well with her playfulness. Do you have any 16 week or older pups or do you know of anyone who has one of your pups that may have second thoughts? I like the black tri-color blue or brown eyes. I've attached the pedigree chart you gave me plus a couple of pictures.  She is a great looking dog and very smart.


Hey Nicole!
I feel like we're related now! lol!  Our pup Darla is adorable and super smart (won her puppy obedience class).  She's a little peanut at 7 mos and 13 lbs (a little chubby) and I think she's about done growing. I'll attach a few more pictures for you, feel free to use them.  I think she was the best one of that litter (maybe I'm biased??!).
- Emily

Hello! I just wanted to send you a few pictures that I took of our puppy. Thanks again! 

- Michaella


Hi Nicole,

Yesterday Gracie turned 8 months old. I thought I would send a couple photos of her so you can see how she is doing. She is currently in a 6 week puppy training class. She is so smart and loves to perform for rewards. She makes Karl and I laugh so much every day. We never knew we could love a dog so much. She is so loving, gives kisses all the time, loves to please. She's a very good walker on her leash now and would walk endlessly if we were willing😊. She loves to go in the car and pretty much knows she goes where we do.....with just a couple exceptions.

We are all going to be making a big change soon as we are moving to CO Springs in May. We are very excited for this new chapter and I am most excited that Gracie can enjoy being outside in the summer months. Snow in the winter will be new for all of us. I will continue to keep you updated.

You have some adorable puppies on your website right now. We really did think at first we would get a second mini Aussie but life is perfect just as it is right now with Gracie. But you never know later on.

I hope you and your family are doing well. Take care and I'll stay in touch.
All the best,
Karl, Cindy and Gracie🐾


We absolutely love her so much!! I can't get over how quick she learns. She 
hasn't had one accident. She is also starting to sit when we ask her to. 

She cracks us up. When we are out back, she runs around the back yard like a 
little jack rabbit. We can't get a picture because she is so fast. But when we 
come in she just wants to cuddle bug on the couch or in bed. 

Everyone that comes over just loves her. 



Hi Nicole,

It's me, Max. It's now 2 months since I moved in with Fred and Anita. They adjusted pretty good to me being around…..

I had my Rabies shot yesterday, and I think Fred made an appointment for what he calls "Juvenile Castration". I call it animal cruelty! ( I would like to see him trade places with me….)

Anyway, not much I can do. He's the boss.

Next week I'll graduate from Puppy class. I did learn a lot, especially how to wheedle treats from Fred for stuff I would do anyway.

Below are some pictures from last week's hike. It was a lot of fun climbing every rock and driving Fred nuts.

I also love to watch the horses on our daily walks.

Maybe someday we could come and visit you, or you could stop by here if you're in the "hood".




Hello again.  Just thought I would drop you another update on my puppy.  She is doing WONDERFUL.  I just LOVE that little girl.  She is such a blast to have around.  She gets cuter every day too, if that is even possible!  She went this week and had her Rabies and Bordatella shots.  She also got a fecal test.  Everything is good to go, so she is now signed up to start puppy class on December 4th!  She is going to go great, she is super smart.  I also scheduled her to get spayed on December 23rd.  This way I will be home with her for a few days and she wont miss any puppy class!  I am going to attach a few pictures.  She was a bee for Halloween (my other dog Brooklyn was a witch).  I took her up to the mountains to play in some snow as deep as she is tall!  She had a blast.  Hope all is well your way!

- Nicole

Hi nicole! 
I was just emailing you to let you know how much we are enjoying Russell! He is 
so playful and loves everyone that comes around! Although he is kind of a 
shithead haha he is awesome! Thank you again for everything! I sam sending you 
some cute pics of him!!
Donella and Geoff 
Just got her last shots this week! She is jus startin to lose her puppy coat :). 
She is doing great, is such a lover and such a fun personality...thanks for 
everything ! 

- Logan


Hi Nicole,
I sent you a picture of Delilah in a separate email. In the picture she looks a lot like her mom Paige. The picture was taken about a week and a half ago - she has grown so much since then. Delilah has really come out of her shell and had adapted well to her new home and office. She is so cute and has brought me and my family so much joy. She is very smart and learns quickly though sometimes she does have the attention span of a puppy. I am going to do puppy training when she is old enough which will be fun for the both of us.
Hope all is well with you and your family.
Warmest Regards,



Sandy the female red merle puppy is doing great. She is a wonderful dog. She 
gets along great with our other two dogs.
She is so friendly and happy all the time and her little butt is always 
wiggling. She learned the doggy door right away and is almost house broken. She 
was only in a kennel when we were not home for about 2 weeks. So no more kennel. 
She loves the big grassy back yard. She has a great personality! It's hard to 
get pictures because she is allways playing and picures have red eye.
Thanks again for the perfect puppy!
I haven't even had her for 3 full hours and she is already a little mommas girl. Every time I put her down she follows me everywhere, crys when she can't see me, and climbs into my lap if I'm sitting. Now to find her a name! 


So Heidi is beautiful... Absolutly great in every way.. She is becoming my 
favorite over all.... If u have another litter like her.. I want another 
female.. Would prefer Merle but that's not as important. She moves the best of 
any dog I have seen.. She has a gorgeous head and such a personality...:) when I 
wash cattle she thinks she needs bathed to and stands there while I spray her 
with the hose... Lol too funny!!! Thank u for an amazing girl!!


Hi Nicole,

Attached are some pictures of Delilah after she got groomed today. She turns 1 tomorrow.

She is so cute!

Wishing you and your family a Happy Holiday!


Hi Nicole,

I recently got a few cute pics of Stella and Brodie and wanted to share. They 
are both doing so well! We just love them so much! Stella is a tough little 
cookie, but she is the true “lover” in this house. She always wants to kiss you 
and wiggles her butt CONSTANTLY :) We have started calling her wiggles!

She really is great fun and so affectionate! What more could you ask for? And 
Brodie is so handsome and just an incredible dog- he never barks (literally) and 
he is so smart and loving! All of our dogs are close to each other, but Brodie 
and Stella have a special bond :) It really is sweet!



Just recent pictures of Delilah. Will try get a standing pictures soon so you 
can see how big she has gotten. 

Hi Nicole! 

Just wanted to send you an update on Captain:) He is doing great! Adjusting well and being such a good boy. I'm so impressed and LOVE him already! He got along great with my parents dogs and he is getting lots of love and play time. 
Thank you!! 

Hi how are you ! Zoey is still awesome as ever. Such a cuddler and always wanting to be a part of the group. Very smart and obeys commands very well, such a quick learner! Oh yeah and she got spade back in June !! Has been doing just fine since she recovered after a day or so. Here are some pictures !! (As you can see her and Sophie (cat) are still best friends :)

Hi there. Haven't sent a pic in forever. My baby is 4 and gorgeous still!!!

He just got groomed today!

Hope you are well. 



Hi Nicole,
I thought I would send you Gracie's graduation photo from basic training on Saturday. She's a very smart little girl and will always work for snack rewards.
Even though we will only be in the area for a little over a month more we got her groomed and a bit of a hair cut so she would be cooler. She looks different with shorter hair. I knew she had long hair but was amazed at how thick it is.
You've got some very adorable puppies on your website.
Have a good day!
Cindy and Gracie🐾


Hi Nicole,
I wanted to let you know that Pearl has arrived safely.  She soooo cute!  We love her.  She slept thru the night without a peep and had a nice breakfast this morning.
We'll send pictures and updates. 
Thanks for everything.  I really appreciate it!
Have a nice Sunday.
Regards Todd 


Hi nicole! 
Sooo we are so in love with Russell we want to get another! We moved into a place with a big backyard and he really needs a partner in crime ;) I was wondering if any of the pups from this new litter are available? :) he loves playing with Jameson (the pup our friend got from you) so we were just curious!!!
Thanks again for everything!
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