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Name: Steve Hamre
Date: 11/28/2012
Message: Love the website. By the way, I've always thought Jim was handsome but seeing the pictures on your site really sealed the deal.

Name: Michael Levitt
Date: 04/20/2012
Message: I'm looking to acquire a miniature Aussie in the near future

Name: Daveena Bienz
Date: 01/03/2012
Message: I can't wait to be a new mom to one of your gorgeous pups!

Name: Judy Parsons
Date: 10/14/2011
Message: Great website. Good luck at the World!!!

Name: Suzette Ferguson
Date: 06/01/2011
Message: Looking forward to the purchase of our Mini Aussie in the next upcoming litter, been to all the local web sites and liked what your family had to offer the best!

Name: Chuck & Sherry Marx
Date: 04/09/2010
Message: You have a great ranch and family. Great to see you at our Arizona horse shows.

Name: Heather Lynn Meyer
Date: 03/14/2010
Message: Great site, love it. See ya at the next show!

Name: Lisa Wiersum
Date: 07/31/2008
Message: Great Website....and some of the nicest horses in Arizona. Good Job!!

Name: Nicole and Jim
Date: 05/29/2007
Message: HI! My mom sent me your website. I showed Alex all your horses and he wants to know which one we can buy:) ha! We hope to come visit grandma/grandpa and everyone this fall. How's Hope? Love- Tracy, Brian and Alex

Name: Tammy Miller
Date: 12/11/2006
Message: Hi Nicole- I see you at all the blue ribbon shows. You have a wonderful website and I Love Art I Brassy!! He is a very nice gelding. Keep up with the good work and see you at the next show.. Tammy Miller

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    Waddell, Arizona

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